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Student Organizations

Business Professionals of America (BPA)

The purpose of Business Professionals of America is to prepare students for the business workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills through fundraising, community service and school promotional activities. The students strengthen career-technical skills through local, regional, state and national competitions.

Drug Free Clubs of America (Drug Free ME)

STUDENT LED drug prevention program that gives students an opportunity TO EARN REWARDS AT SCHOOL AND IN THE COMMUNITY FOR BEING DRUG FREE! With parent’s consent, students volunteer to take a confidential drug test at school. Throughout the year, students can be randomly selected to test up to 5 additional times. The possibility of being drug tested at any time protects teens that find themselves in drug-related situations, and empowers DFCA members to say, "I can't. I might get tested." This alone has the potential to stop peer pressure in its tracks. DFCA does not share test results with the school, which allows parents to focus on drugs as a threat to their child's health instead of worrying about their reputation. 

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)

Home Economics and Related Occupations is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps create young men and women leaders, and addresses important personal, family, work, and societal issues through education. This organization is affiliated with a local, district, state and national organization.

The skills members develop can change lives. Affiliated membership for many students may be the only opportunity for them to be involved in a leadership organization beyond the classroom and local community. The skills for life that members develop such as self-confidence and decision making help them become successful adults in their careers, communities, and homes.

Future Farmers of America (FFA)

FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Through competitive events, students learn to sharpen their talents in such areas as forestry, soils, wildlife and nature interpretation, public speaking and parliamentary procedures.

Core Goals:

  • Provide a quality product that is perceived by students, teachers, parents and educational and business partners as adding value to the lives of students.
  • Continually build human resources through a highly motivated, committed and well trained national board, national staff and national FFA officers.
  • Build and maintain a solid delivery system through: a well trained, motivated state staff to provide state leadership an adequate supply of well trained and motivated advisors with access to FFA tools to provide local leadership.
  • Expand our customer base by expanding FFA membership that is representative of the student population.
  • Establish and maintain a secure financial base.

Ohio SkillsUSA

Skills USA is a vocational/ leadership club. Its goals and purposes are to unite in a common bond all students enrolled in trade and industrial education; to develop leadership abilities through participation in Educational, Vocational, Civic, Recreational and Social activities; to foster a deep respect for the dignity of work; to help the students attain a purposeful life; and create enthusiasm for learning.

Every year new officers are elected to represent the student membership. SkillsUSA also sponsors competitions in each trade area as well as leadership skills. All of the elections and competitions are held at the local, regional, state, and national levels.

National Honor Society (NHS)

The National Honor Society is a non-profit, honor organization for students. The purpose of the National Honor Society is to promote service, leadership, honesty, career development, and to reward student achievement.

The four characteristics of students inducted into the National Honor Society are:

  • Service---Volunteers time and abilities to the creation of a better tomorrow.
  • Scholarship---Overall GPA of 3.2 or higher in grades 9-12 (3.2 is set by our campus.)
  • Character--Respect, responsibility, Trustworthiness, fairness, caring, citizenship.
  • Leadership--Resourceful, demonstrates initiative in prompting school activities, exemplifies positive attitudes, is a leader in the classroom 

S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions)

SADD has changed their name to reflect the changing world around us. No longer is drinking and driving our ONLY concern. Young people today face numerous challenges that require difficult decisions. At Buffalo Campus, all students are considered members of SADD. We stress the importance of positive life choices including community service, teamwork, accepting responsibility for our actions, and taking a leadership role. Some members are more active than others, but we all enjoy the year's activities and the friendships we gain!

Student Council

Student Council is comprised of elected officers and appointed representatives from the student body. The council serves as an avenue of communication between school administration and the students themselves. Developing new ideas, projects promoting school spirit and community service are all part of the duties of Student Council.